Does the full moon give you sleepless nights?

Claim made by: The Daily Express and The Daily Mail
Location: A newspaper article
Spotted on: 2014-09-12

I read in The Daily Express and the Daily Mail how a study found there was a reduction in sleep during the full moon. The article highlights the time taken to fall asleep increased by up to 30 minutes and that participants gained less deep sleep during the full moon. I was also curious to know if these results were applicable to the average person as the study used participants that had been referred to a sleep clinic with potential sleep disorders. Could this have had a disproportionate effect on their sleep rather than the lunar cycle? There also didn't appear to be a control group used to which a comparison could be made to ‘normal’ sleeping behaviour. I asked one of the authors of the paper to explain the evidence behind these claims and am currently waiting for a reply.

Update 2014-11-03

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