Its a tube in a cardboard box

where are my unicorn tears?

Claim made by: the chemist made the recommendation and Flexiseqs' website makes the claim
Location: Initially, the chemist doing my meds review mentioned it, but didn't have a tube to sell me so I went another branch where I found it had no effective ingredient. I went on their website and they make the claim there
Spotted on: 2016-03-14

Hi Ben -we met at SA and I told you I had been recommended a gel for my joints called Flexiseq by a chemist to ease my joint pain from RA. When I went to buy some from another chemist, I asked him how it worked, i.e what was the active ingredient (partly to check if it was an ingredient I already had access too & partly to ensure it wouldn't contraindicate with my complicated drug therapies) This chemist said he would check, but was very surprised to find that the product contained no active ingredient! Given that it claims its "Clinically proven for joint pain and stiffness associated with OA" we were both a bit puzzled as to how this might work. The chemist scrutinised the ingredients again, but there is definitely no active ingredient in this preparation. This costs £18.49p for a small tube - is it fair for them to make this claim when there is no way it could make a difference to pain and stiffness? The company is Pro Bono Bio, MPC international, Boulevard Royal.

Update 2016-05-25

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